Thursday, June 28, 2007

Random Babbling

I made it to the court house yesterday and got my separation agreement filed. Next step is to complete the paperwork for the Family Maintenance Enforcment Program. I have to admit...when the clerk stamped the agreement with her official courty stamp thingy...I felt I was on the way to really sticking it to the ex :)

The more I read up on this enforcement program...the more I like it. The ex will pay the support to the program and the program will direct deposit it into my bank account. No more chasing him around for cheques, no more getting the support 2 weeks late, no more of him writing the cheque incorrectly so the bank returns it. In my mind, the less contact I have to have with the putz, the better. If he doesn't pay, they will garnish his wages, his bank account, refuse to renew his driver's license etc. I am sure it will never come to that for him but it sure will be nice just to not have to deal with him any more. He has told me many times to get a new separation agreement in place because he doesn't like the current one....this will force him to do the work instead of me since I like the current agreement just fine. Knowing that that vein will pop in his forehead when he gets the notice that he has been tagged by this program puts a huge smile on my face. Ya...I'm evil lol.

Last day of school today for the kids....they are stoked! The energy level at school yesterday was tangible. I felt for the teachers lol.

Are there any smells that completely turn you off when you smell them on someone's breath? I thought my only one was beer and Doritos. Apparently, the clam chowder/caesar salad/garlic bread/white wine combo...with an attempted tooth paste mask....doesn't work for me either. We started making love last night and well, had to abort the mission due to the wicked emissions coming from his mouth. He dashed to the bathroom to brush again and use mouth wash...but even that was unable to eliminate the toxic gas coming from his mouth.

He felt bad...I thought it was hysterical...but then again...I wasn't the one laying there all revved up with no where to go :)

Maybe I should be able to work past this kind of problem....take one for the team etc....but I just couldn't do it. Anyone else have this problem where you just can't get past bad breath in bed? It was funny because afterwards he was drilling me for what other food combinations turn me off. So, I have come to the conclusion that if you ever want to have your man's full attention to discuss something...then stop in the middle of making love...and tell him you really need to talk about "________" before you can finish making love :P

Hugs to you all...have a great day!


carolakabb said...

Re the problem - YES

Anonymous said...

Too funny about the breath thing. My Hubby, unfortunately, has receding gums and his breath is bad most of the time. Doesn't matter what he eats. Maybe a different position would've helped? Just throwing out ideas. ;)

Wow, that ex thing sounds good. It will be much better with him having to pay them. Just knowing that he can't pull those tricks on you anymore will be a HUGE relief, I'm sure. Good luck with all of that!

Stef said...

Oh boy...I am with Eileen....ONIONS!

=) me at I will send you an invite to my blog.

Erin said...

Yep. Totally Agree. Nothing turns me off faster than those really foul mouth odors. Toothpaste doesn't help, but usually a little Listerine will do the trick ;)

For me the worst is usually something like bratwurst where there is spicy meat topped with onions. GAG. :P

Jen said...

Too funny! After 18 years of marriage, the hubby and I have finally figured out that we need to have sex before go out to eat. We jokingly say that "we got it out of the way..." LOL! That way - no bad breath, no bloating, no gas... It's just more convenient (and practical). Oh well. Works for us.

carolakabb said...

soooooo whas up? it's been a WEEEEEKKKKK already. lol, I am truly a pain :)

carolakabb said...

and THEN she comes back and says "it's been TTTTWWWWWOOOOOO weeks already". Everything ok?