Thursday, June 14, 2007

29 Day Wedding Melt Down...

Firstly...a couple of comments on yesterday's post.

Pamela ~ Definitely too much of a good thing. Everything in moderation including THAT lol

Eileen ~ Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to see that the afternoon slump is normal. Amazing how just a small jolt of caffeine in the morning affects us. Thanks for the tips on the green tea extract and green tea. I gave in and had some green tea yesterday and was much better.

Evelyne ~ If I had your schedule...caffeine would be a necessity. IV drip please!

Carol ~ I used to put a pot on in the morning...drink it all....then a venti coffee in the coke etc. I was shocked when I added it all up. No wonder I was climbing the walls. As for the nipple twisting comment...OMG LMAO here.

No workout yesterday....still suffering from the affects of excessive sex. Abstinence seems to be helping. It was so funny last night...we crawled into bed and he looks at me with this puppy-dog hopeful look in his eyes...and says..."how are things?" I said..."you mean down there?" He says...with an uncomfortable look on his face..."umm yeah". I said... "this ride is still closed for maintenance". Look of total deflation on his face. I cracked up laughing.

Now...onto my topic for today....

My niece is getting married on July 13th. It is going to be a large wedding with a bunch of people there who I haven't seen since my teen years. So, there is my motivation. I want to shed a few pounds...maybe lose a dress size before then.

My plan - I am trying to live a basically stress-free lifestyle. I have found that BFL puts a lot of pressure on am going to follow the BFL eating plan fairly closely but the exercise regime will be more lax. My goal for exercise will be to just do SOMETHING everyday. Even if it is just a brisk 20 minute walk. My problem with the exercise thing is that if I don't enjoy the workout...I won't do it. I will postpone it...tell myself that I can double up lifting and cardio etc...then the end of the week comes and it is just undoable. I really don't like lifting so I am hoping that the toning and strength exercises I do in hot yoga will be enough.

There is a mental thing going on with the 29 day thing. 29 days is not very long. I can tick the days off on the calendar and know that there is an end in sight. I know this is supposed to be for life...but when I think about for just seems too long. So, I am just doing this for 29 days :)

My stats:

Weight 137.6
Body Fat 28.1% (Navy Site) Yuck
Chest (around the nipples) 35 1/2"
Chest below the breasts 30 1/2"
Waist 28 1/2"
Belly Button 32 1/2"
Hips 38"
Butt 40"
Left Thigh 23 1/2" wowza lol
Right Thigh 24" Ummm HOLY SHIT lol
Left Calf 14 1/4"
Right Calf 15 1/4"

Weird how my right leg is bigger than my left. I have always liked the look of my left leg I know why lol.

I will see if I can get Andrew to take some pics tonight EWWWW.

That's it for now. Keepin' it real...


carolakabb said...

"closed for maintenance - BAHAHAHA

Yeah my one thigh is 1/2 inch bigger than the other too. WTF?

carolakabb said...

ps - it really is so nice to have you back in the fold :)


Anonymous said...

Carol had me cracking up with her comment on your last post. She's funny. I like the "closed for maintenance" too, and his deflated look. Geez, you're cracking me up. You can do alot in 29 days. Get to it woman! Oooooh! and pics too?? Post, post, post!

Pamela said...

Bhahaha yes.. I sooo love your analogy! Never at a loss for a clever quip are ya darlin? :P
29 days sounds ...geees almost do able :) that from me that can't seem to keep anything together on the front right now...