Monday, June 4, 2007

Fitness confessions.... to confess just how lazy I have been? Did you know that sloths move so slowly that they have algae growing on them...well, I think I found some algae last week :P ewwwww

Just how much damage has this sloth-like conduct done? I stepped on the blasted scale this morning and it read 141.2 lbs. Bleck. The good news is....I always thought I was 5'1" tall but apparently somewhere since the last time I measured in highschool I grew an inch. my twisted way of thinking...the extra inch makes me carry the extra weight better HA!

Why have I been so sloth-like? I have no excuse...just lazy and didn't feel like working out. Let me see if I can come up with some good excuses....Work has kept me busy, as the kids get older I am chauffering more, I have a new man in my life, the cat has been so demanding lately....ummm....that's all I could come up with lol.

The weird thing is...I feel so good after I work out. Like I can conquer the world. Kick ass and take names....BuuuuHaaaaaa!!!

So, today at 12pm...I will attend my Hot Yoga class. No excuses...need to sweat off some of this algae :P

Keepin' it real....


Pamela said...

LOL about the cat comment~!

Hot Yoga... Geesss girl the weekend wasn't HOT enough for ya!

~lol~ i hear ya about the "damage' that time can bring..* ahem* trying to do some damage control lately it's gonna take a WHILE!

Enjoy the class tho!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne!!!! I'm SO glad to see that you are back!!! I've thought of you often and was so worried about you. Good to hear that things are beginning to get back on the upswing. Slowly but surely, one day at a time, right?
Hugs and kisses!